The Unmarked Police Car is a land-based police vehicle in 112 Operator. It is essentially a "souped up" version of the basic Patrol Car (high speed, 2 officers, 2 passengers), with only two main differences: 20% Higher speed at a 50% higher purchase cost. If you can afford the upgrade, an Unmarked Police Car is usually a good step up. Additionally, Unmarked Police Cars are very good at "spotting" new incidents in their immediate vicinity, though this behavior is not yet fully understood.
"An undercover police vehicle. Has a larger chance to spot road violations."
The Unmarked Police Car becomes unlocked partway into a career, scenario, or freeplay game. For all intents and purposes, this is an improved version of the Patrol Car, providing a way to "upgrade" the main police fleet towards the late game.
The Unmarked Police Car shares many basic properties with the Patrol Car. It carries 2 officers, providing them no bonuses to their skills; and can carry up to 2 arrested criminals at a time. It has good acceleration, poor offroad performance, and very light armor to protect its crew during firefights. It is used as a general patrol vehicle, responding quickly to incidents of all types - sometimes multiple cars simultaneously - and generally controls a region of the map against criminal activity.
The difference between the two vehicles is in two key fields: Speed and cost. The Unmarked Police Car has a top speed of 180, compared to the Patrol Car's 150. This is a 20% increase, and makes the Unmarked Police Car as fast as a Police Motorcycle, with all of the advantages that this extra speed can bring. It therefore also becomes more important to equip the Unmarked Police Car with a very good driver, to capitalize on its higher speed cap.
This comes at a substantial price: An extra €25,000 per unit more than the Patrol Car, bringing the total cost up to €75,000 (a 50% increase). Whether this is worthwhile or not depends mostly on play style, map layout, and other situational parameters that cannot easily be anticipated. Nevertheless, having a vehicle that is as fast and as capable as motorcycles, while still being able to arrest criminals and take them to jail, is often a net benefit at that price - so long as one can afford it.
An extra feature of the Unmarked Police Car that is not completely understood at this time is its increased ability (compared to other vehicles) to detect new incidents near its position as it patrols. While other vehicles can sometimes do this, it is far more common with the Unmarked Police Car. This only happens when the car is moving without its lights on (i.e. not going to an incident, nor being forces to drive with the lights on by double-right-clicking a destination). The nature of the spotted events (meaning, which types can or can't be generated this way) or the exact mechanism by which they spawn is unclear as of yet. The utility of being able to spot new incidents depends on whether they can be addressed in time, whether to acquire more profit from fines or increase one's reputation.
112 Operator - Included in the base game.