911/112 Operator Wiki

Trapped under a Car is a Generic Call Incident featured in 911 Operator. This call has only one storyline, in which a mechanic begs for help after he got trapped under a car he was working on.

As a Generic Call, Trapped under a Car may be triggered at any time during Free Play mode.

During Career play, it will only occur once.

Opening Lines[]

Speaker Line
Operator "911, what's your emergency?"
Caller "Heeeelp... I can't breathe... I am trapped under a car!"

Plot 1[]

(This call has only one possible plot-line.)


The caller is a car mechanic who got trapped under a car he was working on. He barely manages to call 911, and only manages to say that he is trapped before he becomes unable to continue the conversation.

The operator waits for the call to be traced to the mechanic's location, then sends firefighters and medics who remove the car and treat the injured man, respectively. He is then taken to a hospital.

On Site[]

Element Name Actions Notes
Face UnknownHeavyInjured Car mechanic Icon HeavyInjury Larger Hit Points 50 Always male.
Blocked by Icon Obstacle Larger Car.
Icon Bleeding Bleeding -0.1/sec
Icon Obstacle Larger Car Icon TechWork Tech Work 50 sec.
  • Upon arrival at the scene, firefighters and medics find the man trapped under his car, as expected.
  • The car must be removed first by firefighters. Fortunately this is a rather simple Tech job that can be handled by any fire unit.
  • The trapped man can then be treated by medics and must be taken to hospital. He is not bleeding very quickly, so there should be plenty of time to accomplish this.


Dialog Choice Reputation
Maximum possible: 4

Optimal Conversation[]

This call is extremely short, and no choices will change the outcome. The only important decision is not to ignore this call after it ends, instead waiting until the location is discovered and then sending units to the scene.

Speaker Dialogue Extra Effects
Operator 911, what's your emergency? Reputation +4
Caller Heeeelp... I can't breathe... I am trapped under a car!
Operator Sir, keep calm. Where are you?
Caller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call ended.

Choices to Avoid[]

Avoid pressing "IGNORE".

After Action Report[]

Condition ID If... After-Action Report Text
Story Always "Car mechanic got trapped under a car during the repairs."
Nocon Unused "Caller has lost consciousness during the conversation. He didn't manage to give his address, so usage of tracking tool was needed."


The script still contains several extra lines from a previous version of the call, in which the caller still doesn't supply his address, but instead begs for help several times.


A link to this video can be found inside the call's script:
