A Tonfa is a police officer melee weapon in 112 Operator. It can only be placed into the Melee Weapon slot of a police gear set, and costs €100 to purchase as part of that set. The Tonfa is a Pacification weapon, with very high accuracy and low chance of injury, that will usually force a suspect to surrender after 10 hits. It takes a long time to neutralize a suspect, but its cost still makes it better than nothing.
"A melee weapon, a club with a lateral grip. Very effective in close combat."
The Tonfa is generally unlocked at the start of any career, scenario, or freeplay game. It can be added only to a police gear set, and goes only in the Melee Weapon slot.
The Tonfa is strictly a Melee weapon, only firing at an opponent if it is within melee range (1.5). If the officer has no Ranged Weapon, they will move to Melee range automatically. If the officer has any Ranged Weapon, they will use the Tonfa only if the opponent happens to enter Melee range for any reason, in which case the officer will fire both their ranged weapon and Tonfa at that opponent.
The Tonfa has a firing rate of 10, meaning that it attacks once per 10 seconds of real time (on SLOW game-speed).
The weapon itself is 100% accurate, so the chance to hit the target with each attack is equal to the officer's Accuracy skill. Note, however, that the chance to hit seems to be capped at about 90%, so even the best officers will miss about 1 of every 10 attacks.
The Tonfa has a damage value of 0.03. This means that each successful hit from a Tonfa has a very small chance of injuring the opponent, instantly taking them out of the fight and requiring them to be treated and transported to hospital.
If the suspect isn't injured first, the Tonfa will pacify them after no more than 10 hits (occasionally less, depending on various factors). This takes a very long time to accomplish, given the Tonfa's firing rate; but if the victim is pacified they will instantly submit themselves for arrest instead of treatment.
Overall, the Tonfa is very likely to pacify a suspect without injuring them, but it will take a long time in combat - putting the officer themselves at risk. It is therefore best not to equip any officer with just a Tonfa, and instead use it as a secondary weapon to a Ranged Weapon - improving the chance of pacification, but not relying upon it. With a cost of only €100, having a Tonfa is always better than nothing, but there are many better (and more expensive) pacification weapons to unlock in later duties.
Available in the base game of 112 Operator.
"Tonfa" is the original Japanese name for this weapon. It is otherwise sometimes called a "T-baton", "nightstick", or a "PR-24" (after the brand name of a particularly common tonfa model).