911/112 Operator Wiki

Stomach Ache is a Generic Call Incident featured in 911 Operator. This call has only one storyline, in which a male caller reports feeling powerful stomach aches; however there are multiple possible endings due to multiple random factors that are not under the player's control.

As a Generic Call, Stomach Ache may be triggered at any time during Free Play mode, and may be triggered repeatedly during Career Play.

Opening Lines[]

Speaker Line
Operator "911, what's your emergency?"
Caller "Hello, my stomach hurts really bad..."

Randomized Plot Structure[]

This call essentially contains only one storyline, but that storyline branches out multiple times due to randomized responses from the caller. Most of these branches end in the same two choices: either sending help or telling the caller that it isn't urgent / go visit a doctor. Other dialogue choices, when they appear, merely give you the chance to get one of the few uncommon endings. Only one choice in the entire call can guarantee an uncommon ending, and that choice comes very later in the conversation if it happens at all.

To simplify things, this article ignores the majority of the conversation, due to the low chance of getting anywhere more interesting. Instead it goes for speed of ending the conversation and resolving the call one way or another. If you wish to know what the "unique" endings are, read the notes under the On Site section for endings that change the incident scenario, the Reputation section for endings that change the reward, or the Ignoring the Call section for endings that allow a safe IGNORE.


At the very start of the conversation, the Reputation reward for resolving the incident is set at +2. The majority of endings make no changes to this value at all. Under half of the endings reverse the value, giving +2 Reputation if IGNORED, instead.

The only ending that awards a different positive Reputation is the one where the caller has ingested some bad mushrooms. It rewards +3 Reputation, but also requires a fast response by medical units as well as transporting the patient to a hospital - making it less than ideal.

Note that there is no way to guarantee any of the special endings. They either happen by random chance, or they don't.

Caller's Dialogue Resolve Call Reputation Ignore Call Reputation
"Hello, my stomach hurts really bad..." Set to 2
"Hmm... it's about two weeks, I guess." Set to -2 Set to 2
"Well... I went to a party last night and... maybe I drink a bit too much..." Set to -2 Set to 2
"Hm, I don't know.... I've eaten a burrito, but I don't know if it counts as unusual." Set to -2 Set to 2
"I haven't been to that restaurant before... and, now that I think about it, the burrito didn't taste right...but I ate it anyway." Set to -2 Set to 2
"Well... maybe it's because of those mushrooms..." Set to 3
"I wasn't able to do it. I took a few days off at work, but the pain was so overwhelming... I literally haven't got out of my bed since Tuesday." Set to 2
"It's not about the food..." Set to 1 Set to 2

Ignoring the Call[]

There are several endings which will allow you to IGNORE the call safely, earning you an instant +2 Reputation.

The change to the outcome occurs as soon as the caller speaks any of the lines listed below. You do not have to respond any further; just hit the IGNORE button as soon as the caller's done speaking and your responses appear. Don't click too early!

  • "Hmm... it's about two weeks, I guess."
  • "Well... I went to a party last night and... maybe I drink a bit too much..."
  • "Hm, I don't know.... I've eaten a burrito, but I don't know if it counts as unusual."
  • "I haven't been to that restaurant before... and, now that I think about it, the burrito didn't taste right...but I ate it anyway."
  • "It's not about the food..."

Plot 1[]

(This call essentially has only one storyline, with mild differences.)


A man calls 911 to report a strong stomach ache. The operator begins a series of questions to determine whether the condition is serious enough to warrant emergency response. Among other things, the operator asks when the stomach ache started, what other symptoms the caller has, whether he ate anything unusual recently, and whether he consumed alcohol.

Finally, the caller is either promised that an ambulance will come help, or told that his condition isn't an emergency and he should visit a doctor. In some rare cases, the caller is told that their condition will pass on its own (excessive alcohol consumption).

On Site[]

Icon Incident M STOMACH ACHE
Element Name Actions Notes
Face UnknownInjured Caller Icon LightInjury Larger Hit Points 60 Always male.
  • On arrival, units will find the caller and nothing else.
  • By default, the caller must be treated by medics, but does not require any transportation to hospital.
  • If the caller is asked why he didn't go see a doctor, and reports being in too much pain to go to, his Hit Points will be reduced to 40. This makes no practical difference.
  • Similarly, if the caller is asked why he didn't go see a doctor, and reports either being too busy or thinking the problem would solve itself, his Hit Points will be set to 85. In this case, however, responding to the call will give you a penalty of -2, and you should IGNORE it instead.
  • If the caller reports eating bad mushrooms, his Hit Points are reduced to 40 and he begins bleeding at -0.3/s immediately. This gives you 120 seconds to get to him and save his life from the moment he finishes speaking the line. He will also require transportation to a hospital. However, you will receive +3 Reputation points for saving him in time, instead of the normal +2.

Optimal Conversation[]

NOTE: The conversation described below does not aim for the highest Reputation reward, nor the highest chance of getting a call that can be safely IGNORED, as there are too many random factors to contend with. Instead, it aims to finish the conversation as quickly as possible, while keeping the On Site situation as simple as possible.

Speaker Dialogue Extra Effects
Operator 911, what's your emergency?
Caller Hello, my stomach hurts really bad...
Operator What is your address, sir?
Caller It's <address> 33% chance.
Icon Incident Call Location discovered.
Operator So how long have you had this stomach pain?
Caller Hmm... it's about two weeks, I guess. 33% chance.
Reputation set to -2.
Ignore Reputation set to 2.
About an hour ago....it started suddenly. 33% chance.
I've been feeling awful since morning, but it feels like it's getting worse by the hour. 33% chance.
If the caller reported pain for two weeks, press IGNORE as soon as your responses come up.

Operator Okay, I'll send an ambulance to you.
Caller Thank you... thank you very much. I'll wait for them to get here. Bye.

Choices to Avoid[]

There are no wrong choices in this conversation, only wrong actions after the call ends. Consult the table above to determine whether you should send an ambulance or IGNORE the call.

After Action Report[]

Condition ID If... After-Action Report Text
Story Always "The caller had a severe stomach ache."
Sympserious Caller reported diarrhea or pale skin and sweating. "He had symptoms that might've been a sign of a serious disease."
Mushrooms Caller reported eating mushrooms. "He ate poisonous mushrooms."
Food Caller reported eating a burrito. "He had an indigestion. Medical help was not necessary."
Noemergency Caller reported not going to the doctor because of being busy or expecting the illness to go away on its own. "The stomach ache did not appear suddenly and caller should visit a doctor. A medical intervence wasn't necessary."
Alco Caller reported drinking too much at a party. "The stomach ache was caused by alcohol and medical help wasn't needed."
Sended I'LL SEND AN AMBULANCE (only in some cases) "The operator decided to send an ambulance."
"The operator decided that the case was not urgent enough to send emergency medical services."