The Special Forces Van is a heavy land-based police vehicle in 112 Operator. It has similar properties to the Police Van, but trades some speed for a lot of protection. Officers riding in this van are extremely difficult to hit thanks to a very high Armor value, even if they themselves are not armored at all. Though very expensive, the Special Forces Van is a crucial tool for handling incidents with multiple armed opponents, such as bank robberies and terrorist attacks.
"The biggest and safest police vehicle available. Provides the best protection in fights, however the armor weight makes it slow."
The Special Forces Van is a land-based police vehicle that is usually unlocked partway into a career, scenario, or freeplay game; typically together with the Aerial Ladder Truck and Water Cannon.
The Special Forces Van is one of the largest vehicles in the game in terms of capacity, matching the Police Van: 4 police officers, and up to 4 arrested passengers. It is not quite as fast, however, traveling at a maximum speed of only 100 - compared to the Police Van's 120 - and thus being less useful for chasing fast vehicles or reacting quickly to incidents.
In exchange, the Special Forces Van boasts a massive Armor value of 9. This means that any attack made by a criminal at the officers in the Special Forces Van has a 90% chance of causing no damage at all. Even in a fight with multiple opponents, the officers are not very likely to be hit - let alone injured. Putting extra armor on the police officers themselves gives a second layer of protection, making them even less likely to be injured. With suitable weapons and other combat-related equipment added, the officers riding in the Special Forces Van can become essentially unbeatable in a fight.
As a result, the Special Forces Van can be kept in reserve, waiting for high-risk incidents to appear, and then being dispatched to resolve them without worry. This includes bank robberies, gang fights, hostage situations, and terrorist attacks. A single Van should be able to handle most such incidents on its own, especially if the officers are well-equipped. There may be some incidents (especially terrorist attacks) in which the opponents are so well-armed as to still pose a threat, but they are very rare.
These advantages come at a hefty cost: A single Special Forces Van costs €150,000 to purchase, which is almost twice as much as a regular Police Van. Covering the map with multiple Special Forces Vans is therefore difficult if not impossible. However, since high-risk combat incidents are quite rare, it's typically enough to keep a couple of vans around for those specific situations, spread out across the map so that at least one can react in time when a relevant incident pops up.
112 Operator - Included in the base game.