911/112 Operator Wiki

The Police Pursuit Car is a land-based police vehicle in 112 Operator. One of the last vehicles to be unlocked, the Police Pursuit Car is the fastest vehicle available in the game - faster even than the fastest helicopter. It is essentially an upgraded (and extremely expensive) version of the Police Motorcycle, carrying two officers but being unable to carry any arrested criminals. It is perfectly built for pursuing and stopping moving incidents, but requires other units to help in case of an arrest. It can also be used to provide extremely rapid backup to any police unit that requires it within a very large area.


"A pursuit unit. Very fast, perfect for long distance chasing. Can't transport suspects."


The Police Pursuit Car is one of the last vehicles to be unlocked during a career, scenario, or freeplay game - typically once all districts on the map have been unlocked. It is entirely designed to meet the requirements of a large map, where most vehicles simply take too long to drive even halfway across.

Despite being a land vehicle, the Police Pursuit Car boasts a top speed of 300 - faster than any other vehicle in the game, including all helicopters. This practically demands the best driver you have, since every single Driving Skill point translates to an extra 3 points of maximum speed. With such high speed, coupled with an acceleration value of 10 (same as a fast helicopter), the Police Pursuit Car can easily cross the entire map many times per duty, if needed.

The Police Pursuit Car carries 2 officers, and does not provide any bonuses to their skills. It is also completely incapable of carrying any arrested criminals to jail. This puts it in the same general category as a Police Motorcycle in terms of what it can and cannot do - it just does so nearly twice as fast. As such, the Police Pursuit Car is limited to minor incidents where no one needs to get arrested; pursuits that other vehicles would take too long to bring to a stop; reaching incidents first, in order to start the arrest process as soon as possible; quickly providing backup to other units, e.g. for major shootouts; and manual, sector-by-sector search.

The extreme speed comes at a massive cost: €180,000 for a single Pursuit Car, with commensurately-high upkeep costs per duty. It is still not quite as expensive as a single Police Helicopter; but the car is restricted to moving along roads and cannot resolve water incidents, so it can't fully replace the Police Helicopter either. Otherwise, the Police Pursuit Car and Police Helicopter rival each other rather closely in the "fast backup unit" role.

One additional minor feature to note is that while the Police Pursuit Car suffers the same 75% offroad speed penalty as most other police vehicles do, its superior top speed means that it can still travel offroad at a speed of 75 - almost as fast as a Pickup Truck. In lieu of Pickup Trucks nearby, a Police Pursuit Car will do better than most. The same principle applies to driving through traffic.


Icon On Site
112 Vehicle Police PolicePursuitCar 112 OnSite Vehicle Police PolicePursuitCar
Attribute Value Notes
Cost €180,000 The most expensive police land vehicle by far, but still cheaper than a helicopter.
Terrain Type Land
Crew size 2
Max. Speed (Assuming a driver with 100% driving skill)
Road 300
Offroad 75
Speed Penalty in Traffic Full penalty
Acceleration 10 Very fast acceleration, though still takes some time to reach its full speed. Very good at manual, sector-by-sector search.
Armor 20% Vulnerable during shootouts, unless the officers themselves are heavily armored.
Chase Proficiency 20 Stops fleeing criminals very quickly, regardless of their current speed.


112 Operator - Included in the base game.
