911/112 Operator Wiki

The Police Jet Ski is a police boat that was added with the 112 Operator Water Operations DLC. It is the water-based equivalent to the Police Motorcycle, combining high speed with very low cost, and no ability to transport arrested suspects to jail. It is mostly used for handling minor criminal incidents that do not require arrest, or for reaching major incidents quickly to provide backup to other boats. Additionally, the Police Jet Ski has a bonus to Search, and can be used for that purpose whenever a search incident happens to occur along a coastline or river.

The Police Jet Ski is completely disabled during heavy snow or rain.


"A small means of transport used by the police to get to water-based incidents quickly. It does not transport suspects."


The Police Jet Ski is the smallest and cheapest of all the police boats added with the Water Operations DLC. It usually becomes unlocked only a few duties into the game, or whenever the first water district on the map is unlocked (whichever happens later).

The Police Jet Ski is the water equivalent of the Police Motorcycle, and serves largely the same purpose. It is the cheapest police water vehicle, at only €22,000 apiece, which is just over half as much as the next larger boat (the Police Dinghy). It is also significantly faster, at a top speed of 150. However, it is not the fastest police water vehicle - a fact that would limit its usefulness if it weren't this cheap.

Like the Police Motorcycle, a Police Jet Ski cannot carry any arrested suspects to jail. This means that it cannot completely replace the other police boats, instead often acting as a support unit to them.

The Jet Ski's first purpose is quick-response to minor criminal incidents, such as giving out fines for illegal swimming or drunk sailing, searching for dead bodies, and so on. In fact, a single Police Jet Ski can even be sent to handle food poisoning - a major event that is fairly common on the water. With 2 officers aboard, the Police Jet Ski can resolve such incidents on its own and without much hassle. Its speed also allows it to reach those incidents rather quickly, even if they are located out of the way.

The second purpose is to provide backup to other police boats during more serious events such as shootouts with smugglers or kidnappers, in which every officer counts. However, the Police Jet Ski cannot carry away prisoners, its usefulness ends once the arrests have been made. Also note that the Jet Ski has an Armor rating of 0, which means it cannot offer any protection for its officers, making its use more risky than most other boats.

The Police Jet Ski also provides each of its crew-members with a bonus of +0.5 to their Search skill, allowing it to perform searches quite rapidly. An extremely high acceleration value of 10 means that the Police Jet Ski can stop and start moving very rapidly, which makes manual, sector-by-sector search the preferable method. However, unless the map has plenty of water and/or canals, it is rare for search incidents to appear close to water.

Finally, Police Jet Skis are completely disabled whenever it rains at level 8 or above, or when it snows at level 5 or above.


Icon On Site
112 Vehicle Police PoliceJetSki 112 OnSite Vehicle Police PoliceJetSki
Attribute Value Notes
Cost €22,000 The cheapest police water vehicle by a large margin.
Terrain Type Water
Crew size 2
Max. Speed (Assuming a driver with 100% driving skill)
Water 150
Acceleration 10 Extremely nimble, capable of accelerating to top speed very quickly. Perfect for manual, sector-by-sector searches.
Armor 0% Offers no protection during shootouts.
Chase Proficiency 20 Stops fleeing criminals very quickly, regardless of their current speed.
Skill Bonuses (To each team-member in the vehicle)
Search +0.5
Weather Requirements to operate (if not met, vehicle is completely disabled)
Rain 0 - 7
Snow 0 - 4


Included only in the 112 Operator DLC Water Operations.
