911/112 Operator Wiki

The Police Helicopter is an airborne police vehicle in 112 Operator. Essentially a flying Police Motorcycle, the Police Helicopter is extremely fast and nimble, capable of responding to incidents across the entire map very rapidly, but unable to transport any criminals back to jail. Although it can easily keep up with fleeing criminals, it cannot stop such vehicles on its own. The Police Helicopter is particularly adapted to searches, being one of the best vehicle to use for them. Alternatively, it can be used to quickly reinforce officers in need of backup.

The Police Helicopter is completely immobilized in very strong wind conditions.


"The Police helicopter is a perfect tool for following suspects. It's also very useful during searches for criminals on the run or missing persons. However, it can't transport suspects. Helicopters cannot stop pursuits."


The Police Helicopter is one of two airborne police vehicles in the game, and is one of the last vehicles to be unlocked during a career, scenario, or freeplay game.

An extremely expensive vehicle, the Police Helicopter costs €200,000. This is the same cost as four regular Patrol Cars, or 10 Police Motorcycles, making it a substantial investment. This presents a bit of a dilemma, since the Police Helicopter is essentially a flying Police Motorcycle, with some key differences.

Being an airborne unit, the Police Helicopter can go anywhere on the map in a straight line - reacting to both land and water incidents - without any considerations for terrain or traffic. Its impressive top speed of 260 is surpassed only by the similarly-expensive Police Pursuit Car - a ground unit that has to follow roads to its destination. This allows Police Helicopters to respond to any incident on the map in short order. The high top speed is strongly affected by the driving skill of the vehicle's driver, so it's important to select someone with very high skill for the job; every single point counts. Unfortunately, Police Helicopters cannot stop a moving incident, but can follow it at any speed and then render assistance to any ground unit that happens to catch up.

The Police Helicopter carries 2 officers on board, but cannot carry any arrested criminals. This greatly limits its usefulness, especially when compared to the Transport Helicopter. Nevertheless, it can handle minor incidents that do not require any arrest, or arrive at a scene early to arrest criminals and prepare them for another unit to pick up. It can also quickly bolster a police buildup at an impending shootout event, providing both of its officers with a modest armor protection value of 3 (higher than that of a Patrol Car).

The Police Helicopter's best forte, however, is searching. The vehicle adds a +1 Search skill bonus to both its officers, greatly improving their search speed. With an acceleration value of 10, it can quickly search sector-by-sector, or simply apply its massive search bonus at the incident site to search the entire area all at once. Whether the target is a police incident, medical incident, or fire incident, the Police Helicopter is the best asset to discover the incident's exact location, even if it can't resolve the incident on its own. Just a couple of Police Helicopters stationed at opposite ends of the city can typically respond to search incidents better any other unit.

If you have the money for it, however, it may be better to replace your Police Helicopters with Transport Helicopters (or preferably skip Police Helicopters altogether). Transport Helicopters are slightly slower and cost €50,000 more than Police Helicopters, but carry more officers (3) and can remove up to 2 arrested criminals, making them far more independent and useful. Both helicopters share the same bonus to Search skill, but the Transport Helicopter's three officers can conduct searches 50% faster.

Finally, note that like all other helicopters, the Police Helicopter is incapable of flying at all when the wind speed reaches or exceeds Level 15.


Icon On Site
112 Vehicle Police PoliceHelicopter 112 OnSite Vehicle Police PoliceHelicopter
Attribute Value Notes
Cost €200,000 One of the most expensive police units.
Terrain Type Air
Crew size 2
Max. Speed (Assuming a driver with 100% driving skill)
Any terrain 260
Acceleration 10 One of the fastest-accelerating vehicles. Very useful when searching manually, sector-by-sector.
Armor 30%
Chase Proficiency 0 Cannot slow down nor stop any moving incident.
Skill Bonuses (To each team-member in the vehicle)
Search +1.0
Weather Requirements to operate (if not met, vehicle is completely disabled)
Wind 0 - 14


Included in the standard 112 Operator game.
