The Police Bicycle is by far the cheapest police vehicle in 112 Operator, and in fact both the cheapest and slowest vehicle of any type in the game. This is its primary feature, being very weak in most other respects. It carries two officers, offers them no skill bonuses or protection, and cannot transport any criminals to jail. Other than the low cost involved, the Police Bicycle can be useful for searches, patrolling parks, moving through traffic, resolving stationary or slow-moving minor incidents that require no arrests, and providing support for other units in its immediate vicinity.
Police Bicycles are completely immobilized by heavy rains or snow.
"A police bike, the slowest and cheapest option available. Can go offroad, can't transport suspects."
The Police Bicycle, despite its cheap price and limited abilities, is typically only unlocked several days into a career, scenario, or freeplay game.
The Police Bicycle is the cheapest vehicle of any type, at a cost of only €3,500 per unit. This is also its most attractive quality: You can use it to put reserve officers to work for cheap, when you lack the money to buy a more serious police vehicle. Keeping a couple of bicycles available for financially difficult times can come in handy once in a while.
However, the Police Bicycle's abilities are rather limited. For one, it has an abysmal top speed of only 35, the lowest of any vehicle. Fortunately, it makes up for this by being able to accelerate to its top speed almost instantly, and also being completely unaffected by traffic or offroad terrain. However, a speed of only 35 - no matter what the conditions are - gives the Police Bicycle a very limited range of operation; it cannot be expected to cover nearly as much ground as a Patrol Car or even a Water Cannon. Note that the final Driving Skill for the vehicle is the average of both crewmembers' driving skills, but then again the top speed is so low that a low driving skill won't make too much of a difference anyway.
The Police Bicycle carries 2 officers, but does not provide any bonuses to their activities. It cannot carry any suspects to jail, further limiting its usefulness. A Police Bicycle can be used to support other units operating nearby (by providing extra firepower, arresting and questioning suspects, etc.), but requires help from other units whenever a prisoner needs to be taken away. Also, note that bicycles offer no armor protection to their crew, which puts them at a significant risk during firefights.
Despite its low speed, a Police Bicycle can catch up to criminals on foot or on their own bikes, and can handle incidents that do not require arrest (such as illegally parked vehicles or loud parties) entirely on its own. Another important role is conducting searches, since the bicycle can stop and start moving again practically on command, easily hopping from one sector to the next. The Bicycle also provides a +0.5 Search skill bonus to each of its two crew-members, further improving its performance in the search role.
Overall, if a little money becomes available, it's generally a good idea to replace the Bicycle with a faster unit such as a Horse or Police Motorcycle; but always keep the Bicycle in reserve, in case you end up with more officers on the payroll than vehicles to carry them.
Finally, Police Bicycles are completely disabled whenever it rains at level 8 or above, or when it snows at level 5 or above.
112 Operator - Base game.