A Pepper Spray Thrower is a police officer melee weapon added with the 112 Operator Facilities DLC. It can only be placed into the Melee Weapon slot of a police gear set, and costs €1,200 to purchase as part of that set. The Pepper Spray Thrower is a Pacification weapon, with high accuracy, fast firing rate, and no chance of injuring the target. It will usually force a suspect to surrender after 8 hits. The high rate of attack makes this weapon superior to the Taser from the base game in almost every way. It is generally better than the Tear Gas Sprayer, though it costs more than twice as much.
"A backpack with two bottles of pepper spray inside. They are connected to a handheld spray nozzle used by a police officer."
The Pepper Spray Thrower is available only with the Facilities DLC and is generally unlocked several duties into a career, scenario, or freeplay game. It can only be added to a police gear set, and goes only in the Melee Weapon slot.
The Pepper Spray Thrower is a long-ranged Melee weapon, capable of engaging opponents within or just outside of melee range (3.0). If the officer has no Ranged Weapon, they will move to close range automatically. If the officer has any Ranged Weapon, they will use the Pepper Spray Thrower only if the opponent happens to enter Melee range for any reason, in which case the officer will fire both their ranged weapon and Pepper Spray Thrower at that opponent. This makes Pepper Spray Throwers mostly effective against opponents armed with Melee weapons, as they will automatically step into Melee range themselves.
The Pepper Spray Thrower has a firing rate of 3, meaning that it attacks once per 3 seconds of real time (on SLOW game-speed). This is one of the fastest weapons in the game, on par with a Machine Gun, and will usually be the first weapon to go off in a combat scenario. However, since the officer needs to close the distance first, it can't always get the drop on an opponent armed with a long-ranged weapon.
The weapon itself has an Accuracy rating of 70%. In other words, the chance to hit the target with each attack is equal to 70% of the officer's own Accuracy skill. For example, an officer with 50% Accuracy has a 35% chance to hit the target with each attack of the Pepper Spray Thrower. This is only slightly less accurate than a Tear Gas Sprayer or Taser.
The Pepper Spray Thrower has a Damage rating of 0, and therefore no chance of injuring its target. If used on its own, it will never cause injuries, thus eliminating the need to send medics to treat the target and remove it to a hospital.
The Pepper Spray Thrower instead provides its user with a Pacification bonus of +0.13. Pacification means that the suspect stops fighting and submits to an arrest. With a Pacification level of 0.13, it would take exactly 8 hits with a Pepper Spray Thrower to pacify any suspect; though it could happen earlier for various reasons.
The Pepper Spray Thrower costs €1,200 apiece, making it only slightly more expensive than a Taser, while being almost 3 times as fast. The small Accuracy drop is not enough to offset this high rate of fire, leading to criminals being pacified much quicker. It can be coupled with a lethal Ranged Weapon to provide the officer with something to use on criminals who get too close, or used on its own to ensure that criminals are subdued very rapidly. While not quite as effective as an LRAD, it is more than 3 times cheaper, making it exceptionally cost-effective.
Available only in the 112 Operator Facilities DLC.