911/112 Operator Wiki

The Medical Response Motorcycle is the smallest, cheapest, and fastest land-based medical vehicle in 112 Operator. It can swiftly bring 2 medics to an incident site to begin emergency treatment; however it cannot carry away any injured persons to hospital. The MRM is perfect for responding to non-critical injuries in remote areas, supporting other units in major medical incidents, and manually searching an area.

The Medical Response Motorcycle is completely disabled during heavy snow or rain.


"The fastest way possible to deliver a medic to the place of an incident."


The Medical Response Motorcycle (MRM) is the cheapest and fastest available land-based medical vehicle. It is typically unlocked together with the Police Motorcycle and Quad, a few days into any career, scenario, or freeplay game.

The Medical Response Motorcycle can achieve a top speed of 180, making it one of the fastest land vehicles in the game. Furthermore, it suffers only 50% the normal speed penalty when moving through traffic, compared to other vehicles. These traits together allow the MRM to reach distant or hard-to-access areas of the map much faster than most other medical units.

In fact, the only medical unit that is more mobile than an MRM is the Air Ambulance, but the difference in price is staggering: Only €20,000 for a single Motorcycle, compared to €200,000 for an Air Ambulance. Also compare this price tag to the Paramedic Fly Car, which costs €80,000 but only moves at a maximum speed of 150.

The MRM delivers only 2 medics to the incident scene, and does not provide them with any extra bonuses to their performance, making it equally effective at resolving incidents as an Air Ambulance or Paramedic Fly Car. Unlike those vehicles, however, the MRM cannot carry any injured people away from the incident site to the hospital. As a result, the MRM is typically sent to resolve minor medical incidents that do not require hospitalization (such as a missing person, panic attack or twisted ankle), which do not require transport.

Alternatively, the Medical Response Motorcycle can be sent as a first-responder to more major medical incidents to begin treating the worst wounded as soon as possible, making the job easier for other units arriving to help, or even treating all of the injured and preparing them for transport by the time a larger unit arrives to pick them up. Since there aren't always indications of whether someone is going to need transport to a hospital before they are treated, it's best to assume that they will and send at least one larger unit along with the Motorcycle.

Medical Response Motorcycles are also very good for conducting sector-by-sector manual searches, thanks to their high Acceleration value of 7 - allowing them to hop around quickly. The fact that most medical incidents involving a search do not require transportation to hospital also makes this a good use for the MRM.

Another important disadvantage of the MRM is that it requires two drivers, meaning that the effective Driving Skill used to calculate its top speed is the average skill of both drivers; to achieve its top speed of 180, it requires both medics to have 100% Driving Skill. With such a high top speed, every skill point makes a big difference.

Finally, Medical Response Motorcycles are completely disabled whenever it rains at level 8 or above, or when it snows at level 5 or above.


Icon On Site
112 Vehicle Medical MedicalResponseMotorcycle 112 OnSite Vehicle Medical MedicalResponseMotorcycle
Attribute Value Notes
Cost €20,000 The cheapest medical vehicle by far.
Terrain Type Land
Crew size 2 Both crewmen are considered "drivers". The vehicle's final Driving Skill is calculated as the average between both crewmen's driving skills.
Max. Speed (Assuming two drivers with 100% driving skill each)
Road 180
Offroad 45
Speed Penalty in Traffic 50% strength Fastest medical land vehicle when negotiating traffic.
Acceleration 7 Very nimble; can stop and start again rapidly, allowing it to make effective sector-by-sector searches.
Weather Requirements to operate (if not met, vehicle is completely disabled)
Rain 0 - 7
Snow 0 - 4


112 Operator - Included in the base game.
