911/112 Operator Wiki

Horses are a police vehicle included in the 911 Operator DLC First Response and in 112 Operator. Horses are not very fast and cannot carry any arrested criminals, but lose no speed off-road and are relatively cheap to maintain.


911 Operator[]

"Horses can be handy in parks area, as they are not that loud."

112 Operator[]

"A horseback riding police unit. Can go offroad, can't transport suspects."

Hidden Attributes[]

  • Perfect Off-road Performance: Horses travel off road at the same speed they do on roads, making them some of the fastest vehicles in rough terrain.
  • Auto-Patrol: Horses will automatically patrol the area where they were stationed, randomly choosing nearby destinations to drive to. If the player does not intervene, they may stray from their original position over time.
  • Sub-par Acceleration: Horses have a mediocre acceleration value of 25, which is slightly lower than a Police Car. However, due to having a much lower top speed, they will actually reach their top speed faster.
  • Terrible Armor: Horses have an armor value of 0.1, offering almost no protection to officers during fights. They have one of the lowest armor values in the game.



The horse is called "Horses" in 911 Operator.
