911/112 Operator Wiki

Home Invade is a Generic Call Incident featured in 911 Operator. This call has only one storyline, in which a female caller reports someone trying to break into her home.

As a Generic Call, Home Invade may be triggered at any time during Free Play mode.

During Career play, it will only occur once, on Kapolei, Duty 1.

Opening Lines[]

Speaker Line
Operator "911, what's your emergency?"
Caller "Hello? I have a problem ... someone is trying to get into my house through the back door."

Plot 1[]

(This call has only one possible plot-line.)


The caller, a woman, reports that someone is trying to break into her house. She suspects that it is her ex-boyfriend Ray, who is drunk and knocking on her front door.

As the operator ascertains that Ray is usually armed with a knife, the invader breaks down the front door. The operator instructs the caller to lock herself in a safe place. The caller does so, and arms herself with her father's pistol.

As Ray attempts to break into the caller's hiding place, she asks the operator what to do. The operator replies that he cannot instruct her which action to take; the caller decides to let Ray know she has a gun, and this appears to calm him down.

Finally, police units arrive at the house and proceed to question both the caller and the suspect.

On Site[]

Icon Incident P HOME INVADE
Element Name Actions Notes
Face UnknownSuspect Equipment Knife Ray Icon Interrogate Interrogate Always white male.
Icon FightChance Fight Risk 90%
Face UnknownSuspect Equipment Pistol Caller Icon Interrogate Interrogate Always white female.
Initially disabled elements
(may become active depending on conversation or other events)
Face UnknownHeavyInjured Equipment Knife Ray Icon HeavyInjury Larger Hit Points 30 Always white male
Icon Bleeding Bleeding -0.2/sec
Face UnknownHeavyInjured Equipment Pistol Caller Icon HeavyInjury Larger Hit Points 70 Always white female
Icon Bleeding Bleeding -0.2/sec
  • Upon arrival, units find the caller holding a gun, while her attacker is holding a knife.
  • If the woman was instructed to fire at her attacker, he will be heavily injured and close to death, requiring on-site treatment and transport to hospital. The caller must also be questioned about the shooting.
  • If the woman was instead instructed to put her gun down, she will be heavily injured but not critical, and require on-site treatment and transport to hospital. Her attacker must be arrested, though he is very likely to fight the police and end up also requiring transport to hospital.
  • If the woman was not told what to do, she will decide to threaten the attacker instead. In this case, both the caller and attacker are healthy, and must be questioned by the police.


Dialog Choice Resolve Call Reputation Ignore Call Reputation
Maximum possible: 5 (Unmodified "Ignore" penalty)

Optimal Conversation[]

Speaker Dialogue Extra Effects
Operator 911, what's your emergency? Reputation +4
Caller Hello? I have a problem ... someone is trying to get into my house through the back door.
Operator Where do you live?
Caller I live at <ADDRESS>. Icon Incident Call Location discovered.
Operator So tell me what's happening?
Caller It's probably that crazy Ray, my ex-boyfriend ... I heard knocking at the door. He's probably drunk again. God, what should I do?
Operator Hang on for a sec ok? I want you to find a room that you can lock the door on. And then get in there shut it and lock it ok?
Caller Ok . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . God, he knows I'm here!
Operator Hold on, I know you can do this, police are on their way.
Caller What should I do ?! I have my father's gun ... should I shoot him?
Operator I cannot tell you what to do, you have to decide alone... but remember - the law allows you to self-defense in your own home!
Caller . . . . . Ray! Ray, I have a gun! Please stop! Ray, I will shoot you! Get away from the door . . . . . . . . . . . I think I calmed him down. Come here quickly! Face UnknownSuspect Ray Icon FightChance Fight Risk -40%
Reputation +1
Ignore Reputation -5
Call Ended.

Choices to Avoid[]

Do not tell the caller to SHOOT HIM or DON'T SHOOT, as either option will reduce your Reputation gain from this call (though it won't eliminate it completely), and will require you to send an ambulance in addition to police.

DON'T SHOOT is especially bad, because it also means that Ray will need to be arrested under a 90% risk of a fight, in which your police officers might get injured as well.

Call script[]

Home invade
1: "911, what's your emergency?"

2: "Hello? I have a problem ... someone is trying to get into my house through the back door."

3: "So tell me what's happening?"

4: "It's probably that crazy Ray, my ex-boyfriend ... I heard knocking at the door. He's probably drunk again. God, what should I do?"

5: "{DOES HE HAVE A WEAPON?} I am sending the police right now. Is it possible that Ray has a weapon?"

6: "Yes, he usually carries a knife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oh my God! He broke down the door! What should I do?!"

7: "{HIDE YOURSELF} Hang on for the sec ok? I want you to find the room that you can lock the door on. And then get in there shut it and lock it ok?"

8: "Ok . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . God, he knows I'm here!"

16: "Hold on I know you can do this, police are on their way."
9: "What should I do ?! I have my father's gun ... should I shoot him?"
10: "{SHOOT HIM} You have to defend yourself the best way you can. I can't let him hurt you."

13: "Sure, I will! Ray! Ray, get the fuck out of my house, because I will shoot! I tell you! . . . . . . . . . . . Aaaah! I think I killed him! I killed him!!! RAAAY !!!"

11: "{DON'T SHOOT} No! Do not shoot him! Put down the gun. The police will be there shortly, nothing's gonna happen to you."

14: "Oh... I'll put the weapon down. Ray!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ray, calm down, stop! STOP!!! AAAHH!!"

12: "{IT'S YOUR CALL} I can not tell you what to do, you have to decide alone ... but remember - the law allows you to self-defense in your own home!"

15: ". . . . . Ray! Ray, I have a gun! Please stop! Ray, I will shoot you! Get away from the door . . . . . . . . . . . I think I calmed him down. Come here quickly!"

reminder: "What should I do? Please send someone!"

reminder2: "Please DO SOMETHING!"

After Action Report[]

Condition ID If... After-Action Report Text
Shot SHOOT HIM "Attacker was deadly shot by flat owner."
Attack DON'T SHOOT "Armed attacker injured the flat owner with knife."
Warn IT'S YOUR CALL "After being scared of fire arm attacker began escape. Officers pursued and captured the attacker."